Being Kind is your business super-power.
How do you Be Kind in Business? By applying the MAGIC formula:
It applies to:
Your clients
Your team
Your prospects
Today we look at the power of MOVING yourself.
Live and Kicking
When I watch a live performance, it moves me. I get set free from day-to-day preoccupations and taken somewhere else. Maybe you are the same?
When I am performing, and I see my performance producing a similar experience in others, it feels great. I feel like I’m in my groove.
Live performance makes me emotional because I know its power.
Our feelings are enormous motivators. Most of what we do is motivated by emotion. Sometimes we like to think we’re mainly rational, but actually, our feelings are way more powerful.
It is important to remember this.
Jaded and Faded
You come across some close-up magicians who are jaded. They’ve been doing the same thing for too long, they’ve lost the joy and the spark. You can spot it a mile off. It contrasts so hugely with those who are loving every minute of it and bringing joy to those they entertain.
They’re just not feeling it anymore.
If you feel like you are lacking energy or motivation, find a way to reconnect with the feelings that got you going in the first place.
What started you off?
What is the bigger picture?
Paper Tigers
On the flip side, it may be that you had a feeling that stopped you doing something: nervousness, apprehension, fear of failure. Can you examine it, work out where it came from, test its validity? Once these negative feelings are recognised, many of them go away. Others can be worked through and conquered.
Connecting with our feelings is essential if we want to make progress, grow and continue.
Environmental Friendliness
How do you do this? How can you reconnect with your feelings, so that you’re always motivated and energised?
Think about your working and living environment. Surrounding yourself with stimulating or comforting pictures on your walls and objects on your desk can help. Watching films and theatre, going to particular places may well excite emotions that will motivate and inspire you.
Day-to-day and in the moment, music can also be a great energiser. I like to listen to AC/DC, Guns N’Roses or Led Zeppelin just before a big meeting, just to get my energy up and my mind into a faster rhythm. I’m then more energised and alert.
Similarly, exercise, nature and pets can help to lift my mood. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest: do something creative, go for a walk, phone a friend. Change your mood state, be moved, connect with the emotion that is driving you.
Feel the magic, because feeling is magic.
You may find my free eBook helpful.
18 pages and easy to read: “Be Kind to Yourself: Six Magic Insights to Transform Home-Based Working”
Get your copy here: https://www.work-life-magic.com/be-kind-to-yourself-free-ebook/
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